Ellen Finkelstein

Day of Action on War Spending

Ellen Finkelstein
Ellen Finkelstein

The International Peace Bureau (Geneva, Switzerland) and the Institute for Policy Studies (Washington DC) are jointly organizing a Global Day of Action on Military Spending on Tuesday April 12, 2011, to coincide with the release of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s new figures on military expenditures.  Since this call happens to fall just before tax day in the U.S. [Monday April 18 rather than Friday the 15th because of a holiday in Washington DC, according to several sources], you may want to tie your event to international organizing. Check out the GDAMS website at http:/demilitarize.org a downloadable organizing packet and lots of organizing resources and ideas.  With annual global military spending over $1.5 trillion (2009 figures), the group is asking people all over the world to join together in actions to focus public, political, and media attention on the costs of military spending and the need for new priorities.

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